Eric Downer

Trinity College Dublin, Ireland

Dr. Eric Downer is an Associate Professor in Human Health & Disease at the School of Medicine, Trinity College Dublin. He was appointed to his first academic position in University College Cork in 2013, where he was a lecturer and PI in the Dept. Anatomy and Neuroscience and also the Director of the Biosciences Imaging Centre. In 2015 he was appointed as Assistant Professor at Trinity College Dublin. Dr. Downer’s research interest is in neuroimmunology, with emphasis on the role of the innate immune system in neuroinflammatory conditions, particularly multiple sclerosis. He has a particular interest in the cannabinoid system, and its role in regulating neuroinflammation. His research has been funded by Enterprise Ireland, the Irish Research Council, the Health Research Board, the Physiological Society, the British Neuropathological Society and Industry partnerships.

Dr. Downer has been honoured with the Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland Early Career Award (2009), the Neuroscience Ireland Early Career Investigator Award (2013), and is a recipient of the Trinity Excellence in Teaching Award (2021).  He was Elected as Fellow of Trinity College Dublin in 2023.

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